On behalf of the Women in Turning section of Cape Cod Woodturners, welcome! Our WIT members participate in all club activities and also meet independently about 6 times a year. WIT is a program of the AAW, bringing together women worldwide who share a passion for woodturning. WIT is dedicated to encouraging and assisting women in their pursuit of turning by sharing ideas, information, and processes to further their skills and creativity. Programs provide a platform to connect women, embracing all backgrounds and differences in celebration of equity and inclusion. Some of us turn and some enjoy other related activities such as woodburning and carving.
We meet to do projects in members' shops in an environment with support. Everyone is encouraged to participate at some level or work on other projects, regardless of woodturning experience. Even if you've never had your hands on a turning tool and don't have a lathe, we can help you get started! Our CCW club has a full-time mentoring and instruction program that WIT doesn't offer, but we know all of the resources and contacts in the club to help you.
We are entering our third year participating in a national WIT initiative--making wig stands which will be donated to recipients. We are partnering with Cape Cod Technical School's cosmetology program which is an American Cancer Society distribution site for free wigs.
There are resources through American Association of Woodturners (AAW) WIT which might also be helpful to you. In order to access them, you don't have to be an AAW member. For AAW WIT information, visit their page or use the QR code below . You can view the newsletters that contain news, articles by women, turnings by women, and upcoming events. Our club events have articles and photos published in their newsletters. The AAW store has shirts, turning smocks, and patches with the WIT logo.
Let's connect at a meeting and make sure that you know all that is available to you in the club.
It's a very welcoming and supportive group of woodturning enthusiasts. We hope you will enjoy turning as much as we do.
Robin McIntyre
CCW WIT Liaison
