Monthly Programs
Programs are presented to inspire and educate our members on a variety of topics related to woodturning. Our monthly meetings feature demonstrations via Zoom from our own club members or from guest turners from other clubs and from professional turners. Topics are selected from the interests expressed by current members, working toward benefiting turners of all levels, from novices to our most experienced turners.
Our focus is on good technique with attention to safety within the context of a particular project. Some recent demonstrations have been turning a sphere, repair and/or embellishment of cracks, a gnome ornament, a torus vase, and hollowing.
We also have a wood raffle and Show and Tell of recent projects.
Additional Programs
Four times a year we host a professional turner through an Interactive Remote Demonstration (IRD) via Zoom. In seven of the remaining months, we offer demonstrations presented by capable and experienced member turners
We participate in community activities such as the mentoring of youth at local high schools, and in shows and sales.

If you are interested in demonstrating,
please contact Dave Arnone