Meeting Minutes
Cape Cod Woodturners Monthly Meeting Minutes
December 4, 2024
Attendees: 28 members present and 32 virtual members on Zoom.
President’s welcome/demonstration: Don Chase welcomed members to his last hybrid meeting as CCW President. He will temporarily fill the Vice President role, until we elect a Vice President in the Spring. Please visit our CCW Website for the President’s Message https://www.capecodwoodturners.org/presidents-message. Thank you Don, for your leadership, enthusiasm and wonderful sense of humor in leading our members through 2024.
Woodturning Scam: Don Chase warned members about an online scam in which a person states they are giving away their late brother’s Powermatic lathe to a passionate woodturner. “If you know of a fellow bowl turner, furniture maker, wood sculptors, cabinet maker, school teach student, family, organization that might be interested, forward this message to them”. Don’t fall for this scam. Demonstration: Dave Arnone welcomed professional turner, Cindy Drozda who virtually demonstrated turning a finial box. Chapter
Stalwarts: Don Chase shared that every chapter has a few folks who always pitch in to complete the task. It takes a lot of effort by a lot of people to make a chapter succeed. When nobody else will take on a task, they will. When everyone else has burned out, they keep on plugging. Not once, but time after time, year after year, always giving to share the joy of woodturning. Our club recently nominated Deb Chapin, Mike Grady, and Marc Sitkin for their many contributions to the success of Cape Cod Woodturners. Congratulations on being a Chapter Stalwart.
Wood Raffle, Club Supplies: Thank you Clarke Buchanan for hosting the wood give away from Peter Haney (that Robin McIntyre tirelessly organized and conducted) and running the supply sales on the “back table” with proceeds benefiting club activities. Programs: Dave Arnone provided the following information:
-December Woodturning Exhibit will run from December 3 to December 14, 2024, with an opening Reception on Friday evening December 6, 2024, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. The Center is located at 307 Old Main Street in S. Yarmouth and is open Tuesday through Saturday 10:00AM to 5:00PM. You will find the exhibit housed in two galleries spaces located within the Main Hall. The show features 220 turned pieces submitted by 23 different turners. The variety of pieces and the individual creativity, displayed by the turners, is the best I have ever seen.
-Our Holiday Party will be held on January 8, 2025, at the Cultural Center. Last year’s event was a sellout, don’t miss it in 2025. You will be able to bring a bottle of wine to share.
-Annual Dues of $25.00 may be paid online or mail a check to Dave Arnone, 260 Long Pond Drive, S Yarmouth, MA 02664. https://checkout.square.site/merchant/YYEKXE62ZN6XM/checkout/EZ4ALX3HMUF4GKMZT6SHPSVP
-Open Studio will open at the end of January, 2025, for more information, contact Dave to reserve a lathe.
-Treadle Lathes: Dave is asking for volunteers to help revive two vintage lathes owned by the Brewster Historical Society.
CCW WIT: Robin McIntyre announced the following: Our WIT group will meet on Monday, December 9, 2024, at Jan Casiello’s shop in Bourne. Everyone is welcome to join in but must RSVP to Robin McIntyre ASAP for planning purposes. Our national wig stand total is 1,707. Our next club delivery of wig stands will be in January to our partnering group at the Cosmetology Program at Cape Cod Regional Technical School. The AAW WIT Autumn 2024 newsletter is available. In addition to the features on miniatures and the wig stand initiative, it highlights clubs and news from WIT groups around the country. See CCW WIT on page 5-6. https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/WIT/WIT-Home-Page.aspx?WebsiteKey=c9100f02-c77e 4177-a9bc-7d3eb0216238&hkey=7f6a65b2-ec98-472f-a7b6 2ac573f7258d&100134f70e4f=2#100134f70e4f.
Peter Haney’s wood give-a-way and tool sale—what’s left for shop tools
Jointer Air cleaner Ryobi 6” bench model $40 or BO. Delta Model AP200 $150 or BO. If interested, email Robin at robinmcintyre@comcast.net.
Thank you Deb Chase: Don Chase thanked Deb, our First Lady, CCW, for her many contributions to Cape Cod Woodturning. During Don’s reign as President, know that your smile, welcoming demeanor and support in conducting our meetings and activities, are greatly appreciated.
Barnstable Land Trust Demonstration: Don Chase stated the club is sending a check for $150 to the Land Trust. We took in $300 of sales at the demo and subsequently took in $200 of additional donations from two of their members for a total of $500.
Club Tote and Holly Berry Bazaar: Don Chase shared that our boxes of turned club items known as the “club tote” is quite depleted. These are brought out to sell whenever we have an event. Members who contributed to the Holly Berry Bazaar agreed to donate the returned items from the event to our club tote. The total bazaar sales came to $60,000. Our items sold for $305.00, that money was our donation to the Cape Cod Hospital building fund for the new cancer wing currently under construction.
Show and Tell: Thank you, members for bringing in your turnings for our Show and Tell.
Technical Support: A big thank you, Dave Arnone and team members, Tom Gerhard, Tom Pendleton, and Mike Grady for your technical expertise and support in making a virtual meeting possible.
Thank you, Sandy Arnone, for photographing the many Show and Tell pieces at tonight’s meeting.
Deborah Chapin Secretary,
Cape Cod Woodturners