The Cape Cod Woodturners (CCW) is an affiliate of the AAW (American Association of Woodturners) and is committed to the cause of providing education, information and community to those interested in woodturning. We are an active
club comprised of all levels of woodturners from beginning
to professional. Our mission is to offer support for people
with a passion for turning wood into useful, decorative
and artistic objects.
We invite you to explore our site to discover what we can offer you. Thank you for visiting us!

Postcards from the Cape
1991 Cape Cod Woodturners (CCW) began with two students and one instructor from a Chatham, MA adult education class. Having experienced this unique art form and a yearning to learn more, they drove 125 miles, one way, to participate in the Central New England Woodturners meetings in Worcester, which had an active group of 60 members.
Their interest grew and they expanded their view of this handmade art form. Those Cape Cod turners participated in the turned object show: “Revolutions in Design” at the Worcester Center for Crafts. They watched professional demonstrations at meetings and attended an all day hands-on workshop at Keene State University in NH.
1993 After many long commutes and realizing they needed a local meeting place on Cape Cod, Mel Scott then applied to the National American Association of Woodturners (AAW) for a Charter. On February 24, 1993, Cape Cod Woodturners became an official Chapter of the AAW and held its first meeting on March 10th. Mel Scott became the first club President and led the meetings. Dennis Dwyer had arranged for monthly meetings to be held at the Chatham High School Woodworking Shop.
To encourage participation of the 7th Annual National Symposium of the AAW in NY, a challenge was issued to create an Easter-related turned piece. Three members attended and reported the undeniable value and inspiration from seeing the work being done and the tools that were used by more than 40 woodturners.
The AAW’s “Adopt a Novice” program was implemented;
Al Barbour and Mel Scott volunteered as mentors. After a year of various club events, advertisements, and word of mouth, Cape Cod Woodturners had achieved a successful first year.
1997 In October, meetings were moved to Chatham’s Creative Arts Center. CCW was allowed to participate in some of their shows. The move created the need for a portable lathe to be used for demonstrations and by members who did
not own a lathe.
2003 An informational woodworking meeting in Hyannis sparked great interest, resulting in membership and talent to double. The club had monthly meetings, demonstrations and sales events, sawdust sessions. Small group and individual mentoring began. Annual social events continued, including the annual fall picnic and holiday party.
2007 Steve Patzman served as the new club President.
2010 Mike Gould took over as the next club President.
2012 Clarke Buchanan began serving as the next club President.
2013 CCW offered its first shop tours, and the process began for the club brochure.
2014 New club banner and membership cards are first offered.
2016 CCW obtained 501(c) 3 status. The first Demonstration Day fundraiser was held for the club. Also, the first gallery show and sale was held at the Cultural Center.
2017 The first Women in Turning (WIT) meeting was held. CCW received an AAW Educational Opportunity Grant for a Jet mini-lathe. CCW members held its first public woodturning class. In August, CCW moved to the Cultural Center of Cape Cod.
2018 25th Anniversary of CCW. In September, the club held its first session of the “Turn and Learn” program.
2019 CCW sponsored a WIT member with a scholarship to participate in the WIT exchange at Arrowmont.
2020 WIT submitted a collaborative turning project to a juried show. CCW had its first ZOOM meeting and held an interactive remote demonstration. In October, the first virtual demonstration day fundraiser was held.
2021 Denis Casaubon takes over as the new club President.
A new, more informative and interactive website is developed.
CCW currently has more than 100 members.